Hope.Girls, Hope is how we will continue. Continue to fight back.Against all odd us girls a risen above time and time again and now more than ever we must stop. Stop sulking in the corner in despair when the bad things happen.Stop hiding from those who have harmed us out of fear.If we don't retaliate they win.So if you know what I mean then follow through.Take that one guy to court because I know it's scary but if we don't do something it will happen to others others will feel the pain you did and we will not stand for it. Will we? And I know some of us right now are saying "yeah well im too young to go to court." oh yeah try again the limit varies but in the USA if your represented by an adult you can take someone to court even at the age of eight.Now if you think well they'll come to get me no. No they wont and if they do just remember if they land a single hand on you can and should fight back with everything you have in defense.Too much too long. Have we been oppressed, and scorned, and looked down upon, and ignored because in the past we were looked on a stupid. No longer now if you help even just a little we can and will make a difference and it will help thousands like us whether its bullying, suicidal thoughts, pure fear or anything else.We must stand and if not it will just get worse as a show of support on any commenting place put a black rose then a yellow rose a black rose represents a goodbye a good bye to the bad and a yellow rose represents welcome, welcome to a better time. So once more we will never give up and never give in.Because we have feelings too. Thank you and remember there's always a chance of a fresh start of you just try. See you on Insta.
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