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Our body is a holy shrine as it is also the place where sacrifices have been made. The sacrifice of being born, the sacrifice of your first blood, the sacrifice of the first time your made love, the sacrifice of giving birth, the sacrifice of abuse & rape, the sacrifice of not giving birth, the sacrifice of going under the surgeons knife, the sacrifice of our scars & wounding. Today is about making sacred our scars, the visible and invisible. Today is about you being fully welcomed home from the initiations of simply being born a woman in this world. I know everyone of you has a story to tell. The story I am interested in is the initiation that you knew everything had changed, but the rest of world went on as if nothing had change. You are changed and the darkness you have danced in is now the wisdom that you will offer to another girl/woman to assist her on the wild road of coming home.

We link hands together.


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