If tomorrow was the last day I was alive, I wouldn't sleep in. I’d wake up just for the sun to kiss the grass as it rolls out of bed. I’d go to my favorite coffee shop with my favorite coffee addict friends. I would devour life, stop to smell every rose, stare at the clouds as they pass, run my hands through his hair, and memorize every touch I feel, every bump, crevice, crack, stain, feel the complexity of it touch my fingertips. When the afternoon rolls around, I’d start giving. Giving everything I have, all my love, attention, to whom I’d miss the most. I wouldn’t be so scared to say I love you, I wouldn’t whisper it behind your back, or as I’m watching you sleep, no I’d make sure you’d know. I’d make sure, triple check, that my appreciation was always shown. My biggest challenge today is saying I love you, because so often, I’m unsure if I’m loved. But if tomorrow was my last day, and everyone was here with me, I’d know it, and you’d know it. Our love would last longer than my last day.
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