My wife (Michelle) kept secrets about what was done to her as a child, and those secrets eventually killed her. Oh how I loved and cherished her! I helped her keep her secrets because I didn't know keeping unprocessed trauma secret could, statistically, increase your chances of developing cancer.
I wish I could go back in time and convince her to tell her story sooner. I would tell her that her telling what happened to her was the first step on her healing journey. I wish I could somehow go back in time and convince her that she is worthy to be loved and admired. I wish I could let her know that the things that were done to her could never make her dirty and it's not her fault! I wish there was some way that younger Michelle could understand just how much she would be loved and wanted someday.
By the time her emotional wounds were healed, the strain of having kept her abusers secrets had taken its toll on her body.
Our story is further down on the list, it's called "Dear Younger Michelle" I wrote it a few years ago and I'm thrilled that I was able to tell our story here.