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me f**king too

you can erase my words and still I will scream so loud your ears burst me too you can ignore me and I will become guilt on your conscious...

post 6

I’ve never really said this before I never told anymore about this Every time I’ve tried My throat feels like it’s closing My lungs...

post 5

you held her down while she was crying touched what you wanted to what you thought you had the right to didn't seem to give a fuck...

post 4

I think I was about 6 or 7 when I first tried to kill myself ... I don't remember the tipping point, the straw that broke the camels...

post 3

Being In high school, i'm around drugs constantly. There are kids who vape, kids who do weed, smoke cigs, do acid, shrooms and all other...

post 2

I thought this was pretty: When i fall asleep, I imagine myself as a wave returning into the ocean, that way i can imagine myself on a...

Post 1

I wonder if they could feel guilty I wonder if they could have any remorse I wonder if I could go back and erase the truth that was...


*created by Sophie Nystuen

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